We don't sell. We advise.

My name is Scott Witt.

Portrait of Scott Witt I help high-net-worth individuals with $100,000 or more invested in (or soon-to-be invested in) cash value life insurance or annuities to maximize the value of their policies.

I am a credentialed actuary and a consumer advocate (not an insurance agent).

High-net-worth individuals and their advisors hire me to help determine:

  • Analyze existing life insurance policies and annuities to provide customized recommendations for optimizing value
  • Consider impact of objectives, longevity, tax considerations, and opportunity cost on life insurance and annuity decisions
  • Access/design life insurance policies and annuities that eliminate (or reduce) agent compensation and maximize policy value
  • Provide an unbiased perspective free from any conflicts of interest
  • Avoid making critical mistakes and provide peace of mind
  • Provide a qualified appraisal on life insurance policies

You will:

You will not:

Get unbiased advice from an actuary whose goal is to maximize long-term consumer value   

Get conflicted recommendations from salesperson whose goal is to maximize commission


Get recommendations based on fact and logic

Get sales pitches

Get advice that only takes your interests into account

Get advice that takes the agent, agent's carrier, or insurance company's interest into account

Be clearly, fairly, and logically communicated with Have information withheld or provided in an unclear, biased manner